Sunday, April 11, 2010

Alumni Book Club

Shelfari is a website which allows subscribers to keep track of and write reviews of books they have read. It also allows formation of networked groups.

This would be a great way to network with alumni of our residency programs, to encourage lifelong learning, and allow for continued dialogue on pertinent medical education topics as our residents move to new places, see new models of health care delivery, and reflect upon the training we’ve provided. It would be an opportunity for us to continue to grow as a community, reflecting on literature together once the residents are freed from the academic pressures of a training program.  Maybe they'll be interested in my selections:

I hope I can find some interest among our residents who are about to graduate, to begin building these networks! What book will they inspire me to read next?

1 comment:

  1. Reading a common core of books sounds like a great way to keep connected. It would require less upkeep than a Ning although I really like the idea of sharing books and other media on a Ning. I haven't tried to start one yet, but may in the future.

    Dr. Burgos
